Outline Analysis of the Books of the Bible

By Barnard C. Taylor



1. AUTHOR. — Mark, also called John Mark. He journeyed with Paul and Barnabas as their attendant, and then went with Peter. He was not one of the apostles, but wrote what he had fully learned from Peter about Christ.

2. DATE. — Uncertain; probably between 60 and 70 A. D.

3. FOR WHOM WRITTEN. — It is supposed that Mark wrote especially for Gentile Christians.

4. HISTORICAL OCCASION. — At the time that there was need of having the authoritative teachings of the apostles concerning the person and work of Christ recorded as a permanent possession for those who believed in him.

5. LEADING TOPIC. — That part of the life and work of Christ which represents him as the Mighty Worker, zealously engaged in the kingdom of redemption, over which, as the Son of Man, the Father had given him authority. He is here manifested as the Son of God by the works that he does.

6. CHIEF PURPOSE. — To show the wonderful works of Christ in redeeming man, for which the Father had sent him. His coming is here shown to be not for the Jew only, but for man, independent of his special circumstances. The book is to present the wonderful works of the Son of God in order that men might believe in him.


Part I. Christ's work in Galilee, Ch. 1-9.

Part II. In Perea and Jerusalem, Ch.10–13.

Part III. Crucifixion and Resurrection, Ch. 14-16.

8. SPECIAL TEACHING OF THE BOOK. — Jesus was the Son of God and Son of man; his wonderful works attested his divine origin and mission; he can forgive sins and redeem men.

9. RELATION TO OTHER N. T. BOOKS. — This Gospel follows that of Matthew naturally in showing the Son of God engaged in the work of redemption, after Matthew had shown that he was the one promised. In Matthew Christ is represented as King, in Mark as Redeemer, in Luke as Healer and in John as Life-giver.

10. TOPICS FOR SPECIAL STUDY. — The relation of Mark to Paul and Peter; the con tents of Mark that are not found in the other Gospels.