Swartzentrover.com | Fahling - A Harmony of the Gospels - Index of Passages

A Harmony of the Gospels

By Adam Fahling

Index of Passages

Matthew Mark Luke John Other
1:1-17 1:1 1:1-4 1:1-14
1:18-25 1:2-6 1:5-25 1:15-18
2:1 1:7-8 1:26-56 1:19-34 Acts1:3-8
2:1-12 1:9-11 1:57-80 1:32-34 Acts1:9-12
2:13-18 1:12-13 2:1-20 1:35-51 Acts1:13
2:19-23 1:14a 2:21-38 2:1-12 Acts1:18-19
3:1-6 1:14b-15 2:39-52 2:13-25
3:7-10 1:16-20 3:1-6 3:1-24
3:11-12 1:21-31 3:7-14 3:25-36 1Corinthians11:23-26
3:13-17 1:32-34 3:15-18 4:1-3 1Corinthians15:5
4:1-11 1:35-39 3:19-20 4:4-30 1Corinthians15:6-8
4:12 1:40-45 3:21-23a 4:31-45  
4:13-17 2:1-12 3:23b-38 4:46-54
4:18-22 2:13-17 4:1-13 5:1-13
4:23-25 2:18-22 4:14a 5:14-47
5:1-12 2:23-28 4:14b-32 6:1-2
5:13-32 3:1-6 4:33-39 6:3-9
5:33-48 3:7-12 4:40-41 6:10-15
6:1-21 3:13-19a 4:42-43 6:16-21
6:22-34 3:19b-30 4:44 6:22-31
7:1-14 3:31-35 5:1-11 6:32-59
7:15-29 4:1-9 5:12-16 6:60-71
8:1 4:10-12 5:17-26 7:1
8:2-4 4:13-20 5:27-32 7:2-19
8:5-13 4:21-29 5:33-39 7:20-36
8:14-15 4:30-34 6:1-5 7:37-53
8:16-17 4:35 6:6-11 8:1-11
8:18-22 4:36-41 6:12 8:12-30
8:23-26 5:1 6:13-16 8:31-32
8:27-28 5:2-9 6:17-26 8:33-58
8:28a 5:10-17 6:27-30 8:59
8:28b-29 5:18-24 6:31 9:1-17
8:30-34 5:25-34 6:32-36 9:18-41
9:1 5:35-43 6:37-42 10:1-21
9:2-8 6:1-6 6:43-49 10:22-32
9:9-13 6:7-11 7:1-10 10:33-42
9:14-17 6:12-13 7:11-35 11:1-17
9:18-19 6:14-20 7:36-50 11:18-44
9:20-22 6:21-29 8:1-3 11:45-54
9:23-26 6:30-34 8:4-8 11:55-57
9:27-34 6:35-38 8:9-10 12:1
9:35-38 6:39-46 8:11-15 12:2-11
10:1-4 6:47-52 8:16-18 12:12-19
10:2-4 6:53-56 8:19-21 12:20-36
10:5-15 7:1-5 8:22 12:37-50
10:16-39 7:6-16 8:23-26 13:1-20
10:40-42 7:17-23 8:27-30 13:21-30
11:1 7:24-30 8:31-37 13:31-35
11:2-19 7:31-37 8:38-42 13:36-38
11:20-30 8:1-10 8:43-48 14:1-21
12:1-8 8:11-13 8:49-56 14:22-31
12:9-14 8:14-26 9:1-5 15:1-17
12:15-21 8:27-33 9:6 15:18-27
12:22-37 8:34-38 9:7-9 16:1-15
12:38-50 9:1 9:10-11 16:16-33
13:1-9 9:2-8 9:12-13 17:1-19
13:10-17 9:9-13 9:14-17 17:20-26
13:18-23 9:14-27 9:18-22 18:1
13:24-30 9:28-29 9:23-27 18:2-9
13:31-43 9:30-33a 9:28-36a 18:10-12
13:44-53 9:33b-37 9:36b 18:13-14
13:54-58 9:42-50 9:37-43a 18:15-18
14:1-5 10:1 9:43b-45 18:19-24
14:6-12 10:2-12 9:46-50 18:25-27
14:13-14 10:13-16 9:51-56 18:28a
14:15-18 10:17-27 9:57-62 18:28b-38a
14:19-23 10:28-31 10:1-24 18:38b
14:24-33 10:32-34 10:25-42 18:39-40
14:34-36 10:35-45 11:1-4 19:1
15:1-2 10:46-52 11:5-28 19:2-11
15:3-11 11:1-10 11:29-54 19:12-15
15:12-20 11:11 12:1-21 19:16-17a
15:21-28 11:12-18 12:22-48 19:17b-24
15:29-31 11:19 12:49-59 19:25-27
15:32-39 11:20-26 13:1-5 19:28-30a
16:1-4 11:27-33 13:6-21 19:30b-37
16:5-12 12:1-11 13:22-35 19:38-42
16:13-23 12:12 14:1-24 20:1
16:24-28 12:13-17 14:25-35 20:2-10
17:1-8 12:18-27 15:1-7 20:11-18
17:9-13 12:28-37 15:8-32 20:19-25
17:14-18 12:38-39 16:1-18 20:26-31
17:19-21 12:40 16:19-31 21:1-14
17:22-27 12:41-44 17:1-10 21:15-25
18:1-5 13:1-6 17:11-37  
18:6-14 13:7-13a 18:1-14
18:15-35 13:13b-20 18:15-17
19:1-2 13:21-27 18:18-27
19:3-12 13:28-33 18:28-30
19:13-15 13:34-37 18:31-34
19:16-26 14:1-2 18:35-43
19:27-30 14:3-9 19:1-28
20:1-16 14:10-11 19:29-40
20:17-19 14:12-26 19:41-44
20:20-28 14:17 19:45-48
20:29-34 14:18-21 20:1-8
21:1-9 14:22-25 20:9-18
21:10-11 14:26-31 20:19
21:12-16 14:32-42 20:20-26
21:17 14:43-46 20:27-40
21:18-19a 14:47-52 20:41-44
21:19b-22 14:53 20:45-46
21:23-32 14:54 20:47
21:33-44 14:55-64 21:1-4
21:45-46 14:65 21:5-8
22:1-14 14:66-68a 21:9-19
22:15-22 14:68b-72 21:20-24
22:23-33 15:1a 21:25-28
22:34-46 15:1b 21:29-33
23:1-13 15:2 21:34-36
23:14-39 15:3-5 21:37-38
24:1-5 15:6-11 22:1-6
24:6-12 15:12-15 22:7-13
24:13-22 15:16-20a 22:14-18
24:23-31 15:20b-21 22:19-20
24:32-42 15:22-28 22:21-23
24:43-51 15:29-32 22:24-30
25:1-30 15:33-37a 22:31-39
25:31-46 15:37b-41 22:40-46
26:1-2 15:42-46 22:47-48
26:3-5 15:47 22:49-54a
26:6-13 16:1 22:54b
26:14-16 16:2-7 22:54c-57
26:17-19 16:8 22:58-62
26:20 16:9-11 22:63-71
26:21-25 16:12 23:1
26:26-29 16:13 23:2-3
26:30-35 16:14 23:4-16
26:36-46 16:15-18 23:16-19
26:47-50 16:19-20 23:20-25
26:51-56   23:26-31
26:57 23:32-34
26:58 23:35-37
26:59-66 23:38
26:67-68 23:39-43
26:69-70 23:44-46a
26:71-75 23:46b-49
27:1 23:50-54
27:2-10 23:55-56
27:11 24:1-8
27:12-14 24:9-12
27:15-21 24:13-35
27:22-26 24:36-43
27:27-31a 24:44-49
27:31b-32 24:50-53
[ ] Verses marked with brackets indicate that the passage has been taken out of its order.


Bible References taken from:
The World English Bible (WEB) is a Public Domain (no copyright) Modern English translation of the Holy Bible, based on the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible first published in 1901, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament, and the Greek Majority Text New Testament.