Doctrines & Theology
   Salvation (Soteriology)
     General Information
       Atonement - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
       Salvation - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
       What Must I Do to Be Saved? By John F. Walvoord
       God’s Provision of a Complete Salvation By John F. Walvoord
       Propitiation By John F. Walvoord
       Character and Results of Propitiation By John F. Walvoord
       Reconciliation Part 1 By John F. Walvoord
       Reconciliation Part 2 By John F. Walvoord
       The Necessity of the Atonement By Daniel T. Fiske
       The Atonement, in Its Relations to God and Man By Enoch Fond
       The Doctrine of the Necessity of Faith in Christ for Salvation, in the Light of Scripture By I. E. Dwinell
       The New Testament View of Christ as Bearing Sin By William Henry Cobb
       Is Salvation Possible Without a Knowledge of the Gospel? By Lucius E. Smith
       Our Association with Christ By Edward Dennett
       Death and Resurrection with Christ By Edward Dennett
       "The Lamb that Hath Been Slain From the Foundation of the World" By Reverend Jesse L. Fonda
       The Believer's Sins By J. H. Brooks
       Salvation and Good Works By Evangelic J. D. Dew - Taken from Grace and Truth magazine
       The Great Doctrines of the Bible - Salvation Part 1 - By Rev. William Evans
       The Great Doctrines of the Bible - Salvation Part 2 - By Rev. William Evans
       Major Bible Themes - Law and Grace By Lewis Sperry Chafer
       Major Bible Themes - Salvation from the Guilt and Penalty of Sin By Lewis Sperry Chafer
       Major Bible Themes - Salvation from the Power of Sin By Lewis Sperry Chafer
       Saving Grace  from Studies in Christian Essentials By Harry Edward Jessop
       Fall of Man - Doctrine of Original Sin. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
       Redemption - Principles of God's Moral Government. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
       Redemption - Death of Christ Propitiatory. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
       Redemption - Sacrifices of the Law. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
       Redemption - Primitive Sacrifices. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
       Redemption - Farther Benefits. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
     False Theories of Atonement
       False Theories on the Atonement Taken from The Moody Handbook of Theology
     Correct Meaning of Atonement
       The Correct View of Atonement Taken from The Moody Handbook of Theology
       Theories of Atonement By John Morgan
       Benefits Derived to Man from the Atonement - Justification. From Theological Institutes by By Richard Watson
       Benefits Derived to Man from the Atonement - Concomitant of Justification. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
       Extent of the Atonement. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
       Extent of the Atonement Continued. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
     Two Christian Views of Atonement - The owner of this site is an Arminianist but this site contains both Calvinist & Arminianist articles because frankly I don't see what the big deal is, one can be a Christian & hold to either view so everyone needs to just get over it already. The fact is that the Bible supports both views & it all depends on whether you relate more to God as LOVE or ALMIGHTY.
       Calvinism - vs - Arminianism Wrestlemania By Keith Drury
       Triumph of Arminianism (and its dangers) By Keith Drury
       Thumb-nail Sketches of Doctrinal Patterns By Free Methodist Headquarters
         The Question, "What Is an Arminian?" Answered by a Lover of Free Grace By John Wesley
         An Examination of Certain Passages of Scripture, Supposed to Limit the Extent of Christ's Redemption. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
         Theories Which Limit the Extent of the Death of Christ. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
     The Process of Atonement
       The Primacy of the Atonement By Leo C. Lapp - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine
       The Necessity of the Atonement By Daniel T. Fiske
       The Atonement — Its Necessity By R. L. Davidson - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1910-11
       The Atonement — Its Nature - Part 1 By R. L. Davidson - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1910-11
       The Atonement — Its Nature - Part 2 By R. L. Davidson - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1910-11
       The Atonement — It's Results By R. L. Davidson - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1910-11
       Being Called or Wooed
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - Outward and Effectual Calling. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - Faith. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         Christian Theology - Faith By Adam Clarke
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - Repentance.  by Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         Christian Theology - Repentance By Adam Clarke
         The Doctrine of Justification by Faith and the Old Testament By Gerrit H. Hospers
         The Mystery of Justification by H. A. Wilson
         Abstract of Systematic TheologyJustification. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         Christian Theology - Justification By Adam Clarke
         Regeneration — The Work of God By Austin Phelps
         Regeneration By John M. Williams
         Christian Theology - Regeneration By Adam Clarke
         Abstract of Systematic Theology -  Adoption. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         The New Creation
         The Will of God in Sanctification Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine - January 1923
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - SanctificationBy Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - Final Perseverance of the Saints. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         Major Bible Themes - Security By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         Major Bible Themes - Assurance By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         The Righteousness Which is by Faith By H. A. Wilson
         The Righteousness of God in Standing and State By Jesse Roy Jones
         "The Righteousness of Our God and Savior" By Joshua Gravett - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1910-11
         Major Bible Themes - Four Aspects of Righteousness By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         Redemption By Edward Dennett
         Redemption By John F. Walvoord
      Faith not mere Assent  By Robert Whyth
bullet Faith not mere Assent  1
bullet Faith not mere Assent  2
bullet Faith not mere Assent  3
bullet Faith not mere Assent  4
       The Truth About Law and Grace - Part 1 By I. M. Haldeman
       The Truth About Law and Grace - Part 2 By I. M. Haldeman
       Law and Grace By Dr. Jas. H. Brookes - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1910-11
       Jesus the Supreme Revelation of Love By H. A. Wilson
       "The Greatest of These is Love" By L. J. Fowler
       When Love Waxes Cold By Frank S. Weston
       Christian Love By Jesse Roy Jones
     The Mystery
       The Revealing of the Mystery Part 1 By Orson P. Jones - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912
       The Revealing of the Mystery Part 2 By Orson P. Jones - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912
       The Revealing of the Mystery Part 3 By Orson P. Jones - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912
       The Revealing of the Mystery Part 4 (Completed) By Orson P. Jones - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912
     Dispensationalism / Non Dispensationalism
       My view on Dispensationalism
       Chart of God's Dispensational Tests and Judgments By Clifton L. Fowler
       Salvation by Grace By Rev. Joshua Gravett
       Twixt Law and Grace By Charles C. Cook
       The Gracious Fruitage of Grace By Jesse Roy Jones
     The End Result of Atonement or the Afterlife
       See Section Heaven on the Last Things Page
       The Six Basic Theories of the Afterlife Taken from the Handbook of Christian Apologetics
     The Old Man -vs- the New Man
       The Believer's Conflict with Satan by Maurice G. Dametz - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1927
       Contending For the Faith by H. A. Wilson - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1927
       The Believer's Conflict with the Old Nature by L. J. Fowler - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1927