A Brief Study of the Tabernacle

By Ellsworth A. Archer


T has been said that the instruments most used for conveying knowledge are the voice and the vision -"the voice reaching through the ear, the vision through the eye," and that the one most effective is the vision. It occurred to the author that since this is true it would be a good way to teach Bible classes the story of " The Old Hebrew Tabernacle ". Hence this model, which you will find pictured in the following pages, was made for class work. However, it was not long until calls came to go to different churches and schools with the model, and give a lecture in connection with it. At the close of these services different ones would ask if I had these lectures in printed form, saying they would like to have them. Finally, consenting to the request of many, a part of these lectures have been put into this little book.

     Do not read these pages to criticise their literary value, for they were not written from a literary standpoint, but that those who have told the author they could not get much out of the study of this portion of the scripture and that they found it dry and uninteresting, (this from some Christian workers and even preachers)- that these, and others of like feeling, might be able to see a little at least, of the great importance of this Old Testament type. That those also who have only a vague conception of the plan and true meaning of it might be able to realize some of the rich spiritual lessons to be obtained from the study of the tabernacle and its parts.

     If those who read the following pages get just a little portion of the blessing and inspiration which the author received in studying this subject he will feel his effort has not been in vain.

     I am in debt to several for suggestions and help in preparing this work, especially to my wife.

     This little volume goes forth with the prayer that all who read these pages will become more deeply interested, not only in the study of the Tabernacle but of the entire .Bible.




     How often we pick up a book and read it with pleasure or profit -- or both -- but do not realize the amount of time and study that it takes to write what we read with so little effort.

     These pages can be read in a very brief time, but many hours, days -- Yes, even years-were spent in searching out material for the making of this little book and in deciding what to use or what to omit. Many nights has the author stayed up till the "wee small hours of the morning" when on the trail of something especially interesting about the "Layer" the "Urim and Thumim", or some other part of the tabernacle until the 'wife" has felt that surely "much study is a weariness of the flesh."

     But after all the result is very gratifying, and the satisfaction of searching out some hidden meaning is worth all the effort and time required.

     Very often have I heard "the Prof.„ lecture on "The Old Hebrew Tabernacle," and many times have I read the manuscript of this booklet while in the making, but it has never yet become old to me. The Tabernacle is now more real and I read the chapters from Ex. 25 on, containing the account of it, with greater interest and a better understanding than before my husband began the study of this important subject. May all who read this book which has been a labor of love, receive as much help and benefit as has the author's wife.