The New Testament & Its Writers

By J. A. M'Clymont

Note To Reader


For a full. statement of the External. Evidences for the authorship of the several. books, see Prof. Charteris' Canonicity, or Bishop Westcott's History of the New Testament Canon.

Canon (from a Greek word meaning a measuring-rod) was a name applied to Scripture as the rule of faith.

In the chapters on the Gospels no attempt is made to deal. with the question of alleged recensions of original. documents, as being of too technical. and at the same time too conjectural. a nature to call. for treatment in a work of this kind.

In Scripture References, when the name of the Book is not given, the citations refer to the Book under discussion.

When Scripture is quoted, the words of the Revised Version are given.

R.V. = Revised Version.

A.V. = Authorised Version.

MS. = Manuscript.

Cf. = Compare.