Current Events in the Light of the Bible

By Arno Clement Gaebelein

Chapter 5

The Jews.

The Marvellous Revival of Palestine. Twenty years ago 30,000 Jews lived in Palestine; to-day almost 175,000 live in the land. Turkey's attitude towards the Jews has completely changed. Large and successful colonies are in existence. "The Continent," published in Chicago, had recently an interesting article on these developments from which we quote:

"Twenty-five years ago one heard little of the Hebrew tongue in Jerusalem's streets or elsewhere in the land, because the Jew found it much safer to conceal his identity under the language of the country from which he chanced to come. But to-day Hebrew is used everywhere -- in the market, the banks, and most especially in thousands of schools. It is one of the cardinal aims of the Zionists again to make this the language of the ancient homeland, and it will not be long before other nationalities and religions will have to learn Hebrew or simply be shut out of the commercial centers of the city and country. Only recently a German society for helping the Jews attempted to keep the German language in its schools. One of the results was a riot, and the matter was settled in favor of those who clamored for the Hebrew.

"Those who have visited Jerusalem in former years will remember the thousands of pitifully poor Jews of all nationalities who lived on alms in the city. It is said on good authority that not less than 5,000,000 francs ($1,000,000) is now coming into the land annually for their relief. But each year brings a better class of immigrants, and that means less and less need for alms. The fifty or sixty colonics lately established wear a much more hopeful appearance.

"Those about Jaffa and in the Plains of Sharon show every appearance of wealth and prosperity. The orange trade of Jaffa has increased greatly and will soon be largely in the hands of Jews. Out of 1,500,000 boxes handled this year at that port, at least one-third, or 500,000 boxes, are from the colonies or in the control of the Jews. While other nationalities, and especially Christians of all lands, are busy trying to circumvent one another in appropriating legendary and sacred sites, the Jews are in a common-sense way buying up agricultural land. It is not possible to make any accurate estimate of what has been done in this line, but it is a well-known fact that no tract, small or large, within a hundred miles of Jerusalem, east or west of the Jordan, can be offered for sale without attracting Jewish buyers. Colonies, societies, and banks exist for this very business, and thousands of all nationalities and religions are in the trade for gain. Every day brings some fresh surprises of phenomenal purchases. This is one of the most striking features of the present commercial life of Palestine. The colonies are encouraging this agricultural conquest of the land, and meanwhile industrial schools under the patronage of wealthy societies and individuals are attempting a revival of Jewish arts and handicrafts with some credible results."

The well known Rothschild visited recently Palestine and studied the situation. He is backing the colonies. He is a French banker, and Turkey has looked mostly to France for a great loan.

"While Turkey is still pressing for a great loan from France, and France is demanding guaranties that the money will be spent for the betterment of what remains of the Ottoman Empire, the visit of Mr. Rothschild at this time can not fail to benefit Syria in a special way. The great loans call for concessions for harbors at Tripoli, Haifa, and Jaffa, and contemplates in the city of Jerusalem itself a French concession for a water-supply, electric light, and an electric tramway to Bethlehem. We may be sure that none of these things will be forgotten by the great Jewish banking-house which will no doubt furnish a large part of that loan."

Still more interesting are the following statements on the establishment of the Jewish State.

"Austria and Germany are most powerful in the trade of Jerusalem and its vicinity; France in high politics and finance. Of the influences from within the Arab element is almost nil, the Christian element too busy with trifles, the Jewish seriously and powerfully predominant. Certain churches and enterprises represent one or another of the European nations, but rarely more than one. But the Jewish element for one reason or another, draws power from all nations. Leaders of the Zionist movement differ sharply on many points; misunderstandings separate powerful interests; motives are attacked and as vigorously defended. But underneath all the outward clash of theories, the heart and soul of the Jewish race does unitedly hope and expect to establish a great Jewish state which, sitting at the juncture of three continents, in the seat of their ancient glory, shall levy tribute from the great nations of the earth.

"Some speak of it as to be a state without a religion, in the sense that the United States has no official faith or state religion. The devoutly orthodox Jews, however, can not tolerate this idea, and hope for Israel's ancient glory. Perhaps the greater mass of Jews throughout the world, though, are without ambition to be citizens of such a restored Israel. While willing to pray for this great enterprise and to give of their abundance toward it, they adopt the attitude of one member of the London house of Rothschilds who, after listening to a glowing picture of the future greatness and glory of the Jewish people in the Palestinian state, is said to have answered: 'Yes, I hope it may all come to pass. I pray for Jerusalem. I may even work for its reality. But when it does come to pass, I ask no greater favor and privilege than to represent the Jewish state at the Court of St. James.' "

Thus we learn, as we have pointed out so often for twenty years in our columns, that the Jewish Hope is not dead, but being revived. It is the sign of all signs of the approaching end of the ages. The Word of God has predicted this revival and its attending events. However, the fair picture of a partially restored nation will be marred by that time of trouble, Jacob's trouble, the great tribulation, when once more Israel is plunged in deep distress. Then He comes who alone can save them, the true Hope of Israel, the King of Glory. He will gather them all back and make His land the Glory-land. How this ought to interest every Christian!

The Onward March of Zionism. The eleventh International Zionist Congress, held this fall in Vienna, brought together once more large numbers of Jews from every part of the world.

The Zionists are interested in establishing in Palestine an influential Jewish settlement. Operations in the Holy Land are carried on through the Anglo-Palestine Banking Corporation and the Jewish National Fund, with headquarters in Cologne. The National Fund has sixty-five per cent, of its capital of $750,000 invested. The Palestine Anglo-Palestine Company acts as a strictly commercial bank, but is prepared to underwrite enterprises of national value.

The organization has created an agency known as the Palestine Land and Development Company, which prepares land for settlement by Jews, and in addition Zionists as individuals have bought considerable land and maintain a number of schools, and, especially in the United States, several colonizing groups have been formed which intend to settle in Palestine as agriculturists.

As it is well known this great national movement was founded by Dr. Herzl, who hopes to accomplish his purpose by entering into political negotiations with Turkey, which would enable him to bring a big settlement of Jews in Palestine. Herzl died before he could attain his object. Since his death in 1904 conditions in the Ottoman Empire have altered. A Parliament has taken the place of an absolute monarchy, and the Ottoman Government has been distracted and harassed by eternal foes. The opportunity seemed ripe for the immediate penetration of Palestine by the Jews.

This opportunity a party in Zionism, led by Ussischkin, a Moscow engineer, w^as determined to exploit. The Ussischkin party failed, however, to displace another scheme until two years ago, when a committee of five Ussischkinites was placed at the head of the Zionist organization. The eleventh congress has been trying to perfect Ussischkin's control.

It is unfortunate that much discussion has arisen among the Zionists. But in spite of it the movement records big progress. Its finances are in the best possible condition. It has a working membership of almost 150,000 with a million or more sympathizers. It owns two and onehalf per cent, of the land in Palestine. The Jewish population of Palestine has doubled in the course of two years. The schools are making rapid headway. A great Jewish University is being planned with headquarters at Jerusalem. Another most interesting fact is that the Turkish government has put the crown lands of Syria and Palestine in the market. They are offered for sale and we understand that negotiations have already been opened by prominent Jews to purchase these lands. Surely all this is to be expected at the close of this present age. Israel is homeward bound and all is rapidly shaping in such a way which brings the fulfilment of predicted events concerning the tribulation and the Coming of the Lord in sight. May God's people turn more than ever to the study of Prophecy and have their lamps trimmed, for He is coining.

What is Zionism? The Interesting Answer of an Orthodox Rabbi. Orthodox Jews, who hold strictly to the faith of their fathers and believe in the Messianic hope, while being partly favorable to Zionism, look farther than the modern Zionists. Rabbi Pereira Mendes, the head of Jewish Orthodoxy of America, a learned gentleman, wrote recently an excellent letter to the N. Y. Times, which will be read with much interest by everybody.

"The official declaration of modern Zionism is that it is a movement to obtain 'a legally assured home in Palestine,' and it devotes itself to the material development of that country. It countenances, promotes, and organizes colonization, orange groves, olive plantations, trade schools, banking enterprises, such as the Colonial Trust, the National Fund, Anglo-Palestine Bank, etc., for the promotion of such purposes, and has achieved much practical good in the direction of materialities. Its latest proposition is to found a university in Palestine.

"Naturally, there have been diversities of opinion as to details, but the names of such leaders as Drs. Herzl, Nordau, Marmorek, Gaster, and Wolfsohn; Profs. Warburg and Gotthiel, Messrs. Usiskin, Cowen, Greenberg, and a score more will long be remembered with respect.

"But this is the modern Zionism, as popularly understood, and it includes 'political Zionism,' or Zionism with political aspirations; 'practical Zionism,' or Zionism devoted to such practical purposes as above mentioned; 'humanitarian Zionism,' or Zionism that will provide a refuge for the oppressed in Russia, Rumania, etc.; and 'educational Zionism,' or Zionism which seeks to educate Jewish public opinion in Jewish directions.

"It is not the ancient Zionism of the prophets of the Bible, which includes these to a certain extent, but which emphasizes the spiritualities. This Zionism demands not 'a legally assured home in Palestine,' but 'a legally assured home in Palestine for the spiritual as well as the material benefit of all mankind, not of the Jews alone.' This is the Zionism of the Bible, of our liturgy, and of our poets. 'Also the sons of the stranger that joins themselves unto the Lord. even these will I bring to My holy mountain, . . . for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations" (Isaiah Ivi). ^Therefore we hope in Thee... to establish the world under Thy almighty kingdom, so that all Thy mortal children shall appeal to Thee... and receive upon them the yoke of Thy government, for Thine is the kingdom," etc. (Ritual). 'All the nations which Thou hast made shall come and worship Thee" (Psalm Ixxxvi).

"This spiritual Zionism is to-day enunciated by such leaders as Achad Ha'am. It includes such Bible ideals for the weal of all mankind as a Court for International Arbitration, a Temple for Universal Worship, provision for an education that shall fill the earth, not Palestine only, with the knowledge of the Lord, or Love, Justice, and Righteousness (Jeremiah ix:23) 'as the waters cover the sea' (Isaiah ii:3-4; lvi:7; xi:9).

"This is Zionism, that it is as old as Isaiah, in whose day Rome was founded. It is older, for it is as old as Abraham, the founder of the Hebrew nation, who was told that 'through thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed' (Genesis xxii:18).

"Modern Zionism builds the church building. Bible Zionism the cathedral for all; and more than that, it creates a world congregation and inspires ministers for the weal of the world."

The Rabbi sees something about the Kingdom to come. Alas! that he does not see Him, who alone can bring Israel back to the homeland and in Whom all the nations of the earth will be blest.

Jews Fleeing from Russia. The inhuman laws of Russia continue, according to the report, to make the empire of the Czar the darkest spot on the Jewish horizon. During 1909, 6v5,000 Russian Jews fled their country for America. This exodus of the oppressed was swelled by another 35,000 Jews from other countries.

A recent report gives graphic figures illustrating how the Russian laws are breeding Jewish paupers, although the Jewish population of roundly 6,000,000 constitutes only a little over four per cent, of the entire Russian population. Ninety-three per cent, of all the Jews in Russia arc permitted to dwell only in twenty-five of the sixty Government districts, comprising altogether only one-sixth of the total area of the empire. The consequence of this overcrowding in the western and southern provinces, especially in Russian Poland, is that in such regions as Odessa and Warsaw the Jews constitute, respectively, eleven and fourteen per cent, of the population, and wholesale poverty is an inevitable result.

At Easter time in 1909, 60,000 Jews were reduced to dependence on public charity, while 15,000 families, numbering 75,000 persons, were in the same condition in Warsaw.

In Galicia and Roumania the conditions are somewhat better than in Russia, but there, too, the Jews suffer under serious disabilities and outside assistance is constantly needed.

An association is carrying on important work throughout the Turkish Empire, especially in Palestine. At Haifa, near Jerusalem, the cornerstone will shortly be laid of a fine technical college endowed principally through the munificence of Jacob H. Schiff of New York. Numerous other educational projects are supported in the Orient with a special view to making the Turkish Jews valuable citizens of their own country and removing the causes for emigration. Special attention is devoted to the teaching of the Turkish national language in order that the generation of young Jews may grow up equipped to play their part in the rejuvenation of new Turkey.

The condition of the Jews in the Russian Empire, the land of the North in Prophecy, will not alone remain the same as it has been, but the persecutions and periodical massacres will increase and become more and more severe. Eventually there will be a large exodus of Jews from Russia and the direction they take will not be the Western land, which so many reformed Jews call their Palestine, but they will go East to their real home land. Such an exodus is predicted in Zechariah ii:6. ''Ho, ho, come forth and flee from, the land of the North, saith Jehovah." Zionism in its finest type and deepest longing is found in Russia.

The Progress of Zionism. During the past few weeks the movements among the Jewish people towards the accomplishment of the Zionistic scheme have been almost startling. The successful Young Turk movement has had the liberal support of the Jews and in return this interesting and more than significant coup d'etat favors strongly the establishment of the Jewish state according to Herzl's plan. We reported recently that Jews were invited officially to return in large numbers to Palestine. This invitation has been repeated a few days ago. The President of the Chamber of Deputies in Constantinople visited the head of the Jews living in Turkey and in behalf of the Turkish Government extended an invitation to the Jews of Russia and Roumania to emigrate to Turkey. The government has promised to abolish all restrictions against Jewish immigration to Palestine and other parts of the Empire and furthermore to confer full citizenship on Jewish immigrants immediately on their arrival in Turkey. It is rumored that very important negotiations are under way which may bring about far-reaching results.

The prominence of the Jews in Turkey is seen from the fact that the first address in Parliament was delivered by a Jewish deputy. Another Jew was in the commission that announced to Abdul Hamid the decision of the committee to have him deposed. The palace in which the wicked Sultan is held prisoner belongs to an Italian-Jewish family, the wealthy Alatini brothers.

The attempt of the Jewish territorial organization, Israel Zangwill, President, to secure Mesopotamia as a monster Jewish colony and spent one hundred million dollars for irrigation, will undoubtedly miscarry as similar attempts in East Africa and North Africa failed. Palestine, nothing less than Palestine, is the watchword of the great Jewish national revival.

And how significant it is! Well may God's waiting people watch this sign of all the signs of the times. Such a restoration of a part of the Jewish race to Palestine, before the last stage of their sad history will be reached is demanded by predicted events. This restoration has set in. It indicates that the times of the Gentiles are drawing to a close.

We shall watch with much interest the coming convention of the American Federation of Zionism to be held in New York. Over 1,000 delegates are expected. Under "Notes on Prophecy and the Jews" the reader will find additional Information.

Zionism to the Front. In connection with this significant situation in the Balkan peninsula and the apparent solution of the Eastern question, Zionism, the great Jewish national revival, Is coming to the front once more. It is being forced upon the statesmen of Europe, We quote from a recent article in one of the papers:

Among German statesmen the opinion is steadily growing stronger that the trend of political events in the near East is tending to further the interests of Zionism, and that the return of the Jews to Palestine may not be very far off.

A glance at the map will show that Palestine is the corner stone of three continents. The Mediterranean nations are stirring as they have never done in modern history. The near East, the Middle East present European statesmen with great problems. There is the Bagdad railroad, there is the railroad from Cape to Cairo, that is, to the very door of Palestine. For that part of the world which has Palestine, to speak broadly, as its center there must be a great awakening in a very near future.

All the Powers of Europe will either be directly or indirectly interested in that happening, and one of them cannot permit any other to occupy the pre-eminent position or wield predominant power in Palestine, the key to vast lands now stirring in their slumber, the corner stone to countries with amazing undeveloped possibilities.

What the interests of Germany as well as of all the other European Powers require is a buffer state, and the enterprises which will be engaged in and around Palestine appear to suggest that in that state will be required the brains, the business acumen and the wealth of the Jews, that there will be a favorable outlet for all three, and that advantageous use can be made for all concerned.

All this is deeply interesting. What a privilege it is to see and watch these startling developments at the close of 1912!

The Unsolved Problem. The condition of the Jews in Russia becomes more desperate. About 6,000,000 Hebrews live there and they are being harassed and driven about as never before. The first decade of the much Iauded twentieth century began with the awful massacres in which thousands of Jews, men, women and children lost their lives. They were time.> of sorrow and tribulation which remind of the French Revolution a hundred years previous. At the end of the first decade Russia is still at it, though in a different way. A New York rabbi made recently the following remarks:

"The status of the Jew in Russia to-day calls not for vain complaint or murmuring, but for the presentation of the grim facts as they are. These facts constitute the indictment of Russia, and mark, alas! the unutterable humiliation of Israel.

"The former policy of massacre instigated by the state and executed by its servants has been succeeded by the less dramatic but not less tragic method of 'peaceful extermination.' Instead of the blood-letting massacres which, unhappily for the Russian government, stir the conscience of the world, a system of merciless Jewish repression and degradation has been carried on throughout the past year not less terrible in its ultimate effect. A Jewish society in England lately admitted that its budget included an item for possible massacres. What a withering comment upon Jewish power and Jewish prestige, as upon the genuineness of our present day civilization.

"The Jewish question in Russia has ceased to be a Jewish question and a Russian question. It is become a world question -- a problem of humanity. What is needed is the protest of the aroused conscience of the world against the monstrous crimes which Russia is committing upon its own defenseless population. It is not the least indictment of the war craze that in order partially to neutralize the military prowess of Germany, England shoul4 strike hands with a band of murderers in the high places in Russia. For a decade or more it was French finances that enabled Russia to continue its foul career. To-day it is Great Britain that by the Reval pact did much to bolster the falling fortunes of the Russian government, and by so much to betray its own history and the hope of humanity."

How true all this Is. The Jewish question has indeed become a world question and is the problem of humanity. But the aroused conscience of the world can never settle this question. There is no remedy for the humiliation of Israel, no solution of that question from the side of man. God in His Word predicted thousands of years ago that such would be the condition of His people as a result of their unbelief and the rejection of Him, who is their King. It has all come true. But God's Word also predicts the end of all their wanderings and tribulation. It gives the solution of the Jewish question. God Himself in the Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the root and offspring of David will in His own appointed time deliver His earthly people and have mercy upon Zion. None other than the once rejected King in the day of His second visible manifestation will solve "this problem of humanity." But it will also mean the punishment of the enemies of His people. Russia's present attitude towards the Jews and future judgment is written in the Bible. The developments of the Jewish question ought to be followed with deepest interest by all Christians, who love His appearing.

Jewish Sympathy for Turkey. Jewish sympathy in the Italian-Turkish war is altogether on the side of Turkey. Especially marked is this interest among the millions of Jews living in Russia. A number of young Jews departed recently from Kieff to enlist in the Turkish army at Constantinople.

The formation of similar groups is also reported from Lodz and Warsaw. Jewish sympathy with Turkey is not confined to Zionist circles. Although every allowance is made for the exemplary treatment of Hebrews in Italy, the Jews in Russia feel that the blindness of European diplomacy to a sense of wrong is also responsible for the indifference of the latter towards their own sufferings.

The Russian press, true to its tradition, regards the war as a product of Jewish intrigue. The Sviet asserts that the Young Turk Committee, "with its Jewish majority, has brought about the war." M. Menushikoff (in the Novoe Vremyd) states that Abdul Hamid's refusal to grant Palestine to Dr. Herzl cost him his throne, and now the Young Turks, in this turn, pay for their failure to satisfy the Zionists.

Zionistic Activities and Progress in Palestine. Recently the tenth annual convention of the American Federation of Zionism was held in New York City. Hundreds of delegates were present and the enthusiasm was marked. A feature of this congress was a Zionistic Junior League Meeting. Whoever saw the bright and sparkling eyes of young Jewry all aglow for Zionism will realize the genuineness of this striking national revival. Mr. Strauss expressed in the opening meeting the hope that the young Turks, who have battled for their own freedom, will not be slow in helping the Jews in their great and glorious aims.

Dr. Harry Friedenwald, the President of the Federation of American Zionism, gave an enthusiastic address. He said in part:

The great event of the past year which has completely changed conditions, the importance, and far reaching results of which it is difficult even now to estimate, is the Turkish revolution. The subversion of the most despotic of absolute monarchies into a modern, liberal, constitutional government, the failure of the counter revolution and the firmer entrenchment of the forces that stand for progress and for freedom are of the deepest political interest to the world.

Even during the former regime the Jews of Turkey enjoyed the same measure of liberty as the non-Jews and were spared the discriminating injustice of neighboring countries. Now the Jews -- who have taken their proper stand in the movement for progress -- are given every encouragement and we again see Turkey as of old inviting the Jews oppressed in other lands to immigrate and help in the upbuilding of the empire. We have a profound satisfaction in the consciousness that some of the Jewish leaders of the Revolution are also ardent Zionists and that the Zionist awakening in Turkey is widespread and augurs well.

We shall bring later additional information about this interesting gathering. Great things are expected from the next world congress of Zionism to be held in December.

At the same time great progress in the affairs of Palestine is reported. Commerce is enlarging and the immigration constantly increasing. The following is from the Daily Consular and Trade Reports:

Consul-General G. Bie Ravndal, of Beirut, says that the linking of Egypt and Syria by a railway is certain to be seriously considered, as its advantages are obvious. He writes concerning the project: "Mr. Almagia, a prominent Italian contractor in Alexandria, informs the Egyptian Gazette that he asked the Ottoman and Egyptian governments to allow him to make plans for a railway line by way of El Arish to Jaffa. The idea is that the line, after crossing the Suez Canal, should run along the coast to the frontier at El Arish and then on to its terminus at Jaffa, where it would connect with the Jerusalem railway."

All this is an indication that the times of the Gentiles are drawing to a close. Soon the Lord's Word will be accomplished. "Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" (Luke xxi:24).

Jews Suffering in European Turkey. There are many thousands of Hebrews living in the war-zone of European Turkey. They have come in for the severest sufferings. An appeal for help has been sent to this country. The appeal is signed by H. Nahoum, Grand Rabbi of Turkey; J. Fernandez, President of the Turkish Israelitish Alliance and Dr. D. F. Markus, Chief Rabbi of the Ashkenazim Jews. We quote part of the document.

The Balkan war has laid everything waste which was in Jewish possession in all the cities and villages of European Turkey, with the exception of Constantinople, Salonika and Adrianople. Fields and houses, hostelries and stores, and even personal belongings, have been swept away like an earthquake by sword and fire. Numberless peaceful and innocent lives have already fallen victims to this orgy of blood.

Terrified to death, half naked, deprived of the sheerest necessities, driven out into the terrible isolation of the winter nights, our unfortunate brethren have attempted to save their lives in wild flight. Frozen, half-starved, wounded and desperate, they have crowded like wild beasts into overfilled railway cars, or these failing them, have tottered on foot until they have at last reached the capital. Helpless mothers, pale children, gray beards, helped along by beggars' staffs, men in the prime of life, ruined and despairing, have crowded like a flood of terror and necessity into the Jewish quarter of our city, already over-crowded in ordinary times.

This is but another chapter in the story of Israel's suffering and tribulation. This night of woe has lasted long. It will surely end, when the Son of David appears in His Glory and the Rejected One, like Joseph, will deliver His brethren according to the flesh out of all their sufferings. But before that happens, the darkest hour in their history must come. That will be the time of Jacob's trouble (Jerem. xxx:4). Everything is getting ready for it.

A National Jewish University in Palestine. The American Federation of Zionists in their recent annual convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, strongly recommended the establishment of a Jewish University in Jerusalem. Resolutions to that effect were adopted by the federation.

It was after a paper on the proposed National Jewish University was read by Professor Horace Kallen, of the University of Wisconsin, and a discussion that the resolution to establish such an institution in Jerusalem was adopted. The plan also embraces further colonization and the establishment of schools for Jews in Palestine.

It was resolved to send word to the International Congress of Zionists at Vienna to push the project of a National Jewish University.

This surely shows great progress in the program of Zionism, the great modem national movement among the Hebrews. The fate of Palestine is still in the balances. While it yet rests in the hands of the Turkish government, the rightful owners of the land, the Jews, are constantly increasing. Jewish capital is financing the different enterprises. The language of the country, the ancient Hebrew, is being wonderfully revived. Remnants of Hebrews, some of them belonging to the so-called "lost tribes," are gathering back to the land. All this has significance. A great change for that land of hallowed memories and glorious destiny is impending. From the prophetic Word we know what it all means. Palestine will yet belong to the Jews and Jerusalem will become the great center for the land once more The predicted partial restoration of the Jews to Palestine and Palestine to the Jews, is in progress.