The Expositor's Bible

The Epistle to the Ephesians

Rev. G. G. Findlay, B.A.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Introduction. Chapter 1:1, 2.

  Chapter 1 - The Writer and Readers.

Contrast of Galatians and Ephesians - Pauline qualities of Ephesians: intellectual, historical, theological, spiritual, ethical - The Idea of the Church - The Person of Christ Ephesians and Colossians - Style of Ephesians Circular Hypothesis - Epistle from Laodicea - Designation of the Readers - Faithful Brethren

Praise and Prayer. Chapter 1:3-19.

  Chapter 2 - The Eternal Purpose.

The Apostle’s Hymn of Praise - Blessed be God! – Blessing spiritual, heavenly, Christian - In the Beginning the Election of Grace - The World and its Founder - Redemption embedded in Creation - God’s prescient Choice - Our Holiness His Purpose Divine Adoption -Who are the Elect

  Chapter 3 - The Bestowment of Grace.

Structure of the Paragraph - Grace an Experience – Christ the Beloved - Forgiveness and its Price - The Value f Forgiveness - Wisdom a Gift of Grace - The Gospel as an intellectual Force - God’s Will the Goal of human Thought - Sonship and Heritage - The Fulness of the Times - The Christian Inventory of the Universe - Reconciliation and Reconstitution - Gathering in and Gathering out

  Chapter 4 - The Final Redemption.

Mutual Inheritance - Jewish and Gentile Heirs - Uses of the Seal - The Stamp of Sanctity - Promise fulfilled and to be fulfilled - Hearing and Believing - Salvation by the Truth - Salvation for the Gentiles - Faith and the Holy Spirit - The two Redemptions - The encumbered Property - The Earnest of our consummate Life

  Chapter 5 - For the Eyes of the Heart.

Thanksgiving for the Readers - The God of Christ, the Father of Glory - Christian Enlightenment - Seeing with the Heart - What is our Hope ? – God’s Wealth in Men - The true Standard of Value - The Power of Christ’s Resurrection

The Doctrine. Chapter 2:20 – 3:13.

  Chapter 6 - What God Wrought in the Christ.

Prayer and Teaching - Historical Effect of Christ’s Resurrection - The Stages of His Exaltation - Christianity with out Miracles - The efficient Cause of Christianity – The perfect Resurrection - The First-begotten out of the Dead - The Risen One, the Holy One – Resurrection and Ascension - Ascension to Rule - Christ and the Angels Christ glorified God’s Gift to the Church - Christ the Fulness of God

  Chapter 7 - From Death to Life.

Raised with Christ - Sin is Death - Jesus Christ in a dead World - Alive in Body, dead in Spirit - Religious Difficulties - Antipathy to God - The Power of the Air - God’s Anger against Sinners - The Soul’s Awaking - Consciousness of God - Fellowship in Salvation

  Chapter 8 - Saved for an End.

Beginning and End of God’s Plan - Mercy, Love, Kindness, Grace and Gift - Not of Works - Boasting excluded - Evangelical Assurance - In the heavenly Places – Grace a Task-master - Creation and Redemption - The apostolic Church and the coming Times

  Chapter 9 - The Far and Near.

Wherefore remember! - Sudden and gradual Conversion - The Gentile World: Godless, hopeless, Christless - Away with the Atheists! - The double Pessimism – The Uncircumcision - Nigh in the Blood of Christ – Reunion in Guilt and in Pardon

  Chapter 10 - The Double Reconciliation.

The Jewish War - The two Parties in the Church – The  Jewish Enmity typical - The new Christian Humanity - The Church in the first Century and the nineteenth - Hindrances to Unity : external, internal - The Ground of Reconciliation - Enemies of God - The Atonement of the Cross - Moral Communism - Personal Faith - The Fraternization of Mankind

  Chapter 11 - God’s Temple in Humanity.

The Divine Occupant - The Service of Man and of God - One Temple and many Buildings - The Variety of the apostolic Church - The primitive Catholicism – Church and Dissent - Union by Approximation - Our Lord’s Prayer for Unity - The apostolic Basis - The Builder Spirit - The sure Foundation Stone

  Chapter 12 - The Secret of the Ages.

St Paul’s Style of Composition - Christ the Mystery of God - Christ in the Old Testament - The Exploration of Christ - The Portion of the Gentiles in Israel – The Organs of the new Revelation - The unique Office and Influence of the Apostle Paul

  Chapter 13 - Earth Teaching Heaven.

Christ the Bond of Angels and Men - Our Lord and theirs - Jesus of Nazareth the Lord of the Ages - The Reality of the Angels - Their Interest in the Church – The Peculiarity of the human Problem - The Docility of the heavenly Potentates - The angelic Standpoint – The Grandeur of Christianity inspires Courage

Prayer And Praise. Chapter 3:14-21.

  Chapter 14 - The Comprehension of Christ.

Contents of St Paul’s Prayer - The Father of Angels and of Men - Strength of Spirit and of the Spirit – Christ abiding in the Heart - Christ and the Christ - Christ’s Claim on the Intellect - Neglect of Theology - Dimensions of God’s Building - Strength to grasp the Magnitude of Christianity - The true Broad Churchman

  Chapter 15 - Knowing the Unknowable.

Knowledge in the Growth - Paul’s Study of the Love of Christ - Christ’s manifested Love - God’s Fulness our final Aim - The Fulness more than Love - Praise outsoaring Prayer - God’s Gifts beyond our Requests – The Divine Power immanent in Men - The Inspirer of Prayer its Fulfiller - The Union of the Church and Christ in God’s Praise - The eternal Glory

The Exhortation On Church Life. Chapter 4:1-16.

  Chapter 16 - The Fundamental Unities.

The Prisoner in the Lord - The Foes of Church Peace: Low-mindedness, Ambition, Resentfulness - The Basis of Unity: sevenfold, threefold - One Body despite Divisions - One Spirit makes one Body - Unity of Life and Hope - One Lord in all Churches - Baptism a Sign of Christ’s Rule, the Seal of a corporate Life - The one God, and the Many

  Chapter 17 - The Measure of the Gift of Christ.

Unity in Diversities - Christ the Administrator - The Ascension of David and of David’s Son - Height and Breadth - The Giving of Jesus - Christ’s Descent and Ascent - The Warfare of Christ - The Spoils of His Victory - The Enlistment of His Prisoners - Apostles and Prophets, Evangelists and Pastors - Paul, Augustine, Luther, Knox, Wesley - The Demands of the Future – Individual Responsibility

  Chapter 18 - The Growth of the Church.

The Aim of the Christian Ministry - A perfect Manhood - Sleight or Sport? - Junctures of Supply - Reunion in the Knowledge of the Son of God - The Stature of Christ our Standard - The Dangers of Childishness - Speculative Error - Gnosticism and Agnosticism - Conditions of Safety - Church Organization - The Framework of the Body of Christ - Its Continuity of Tissue

On Christian Morals. Chapter 4:17 – 5:21.

  Chapter 19 - The Walk of the Gentiles.

The old World and the old Man - Impotence of Gentile Reason - Science and Pessimism - Loss of the Life of God - Ignorance the Mother of Indevotion – Induration of Heart - Impudicity of Paganism

  Chapter 20 - The Two Human Types.

Defective Views of Christ amongst Paul’s Readers – The historical Jesus the true Christ - Paul and the Tradition of Jesus - Jesus the human Model - Nero a Type of the Pagan Order - The Fraud of Sin - The Growth and the Birth of the new Man - Righteousness and Holiness

  Chapter 21 - Discarded Vices.

The seven Gentile Sins - Truthfulness and the Truth – The Perils of Anger - The Antidote to Theft - Sinfulness of vain Speech - Malice and its Brood - Imitation of the Divine Love - Filthiness and Jesting - The golden Leprosy

  Chapter 22 - Doctrine and Ethics.

The Intrinsic and Experimental in Morals - Originality of Christian Ethics - Ethical Art and Science - Four Principles of Pauline Ethics Personality and Morals - Ethical Character of Christ’s Forgiveness – Auguste Comte and the Gospel - The moral Import of the Resurrection - And of the Atonement

  Chapter 23 - The Children of the Light.

Right the Fruit of Light - All Virtue from one Source - Unbelief and Immorality - Christian Goodness - The Way of Righteousness - Truth the Hall-mark of Sanctity - Verity and Veracity - Specialists in Virtue - Reproof of open and of hidden Sins Manifestation and Transformation

  Chapter 24 - The New Wine of the Spirit.

Soberness and Excitement - The heedful Look - Evil Days for the Asian Christians - Wisdom to know God’s Will - Wine and social Pleasure - The Craving for Excitement - Fulness of the Spirit - The Rise of Christian Psalmody - The Music of the Heart - Enthusiasm and Order

On Family Life. Chapter 5: 22 – 6: 9.

  Chapter 25 - Christian Marriage.

The Divine Character of Marriage - Religious Equality of the Sexes - The Glory of the Man - Women’s Rights - Christ’s undivided Headship - Masculine Selfishness - Greek Terms for Love - The Husband and the Priest - The double Self - Indelibility of Wedlock

  Chapter 26 - Christ and His Bride.

Marriage and the Doctrine of the Church - The Individual and the Church - The Glory of the vicarious Death Christ the Sanctifier of His Church - The Signification of Baptism - The Water and the Word The Bride made ready - The Church a Christocracy – Adam’s Wedding-song - The Church inherent in Christ

  Chapter 27 - The Christian Household.

Children in the Church - The initial Form of Duty - Commandment and Promise - Gentleness of fatherly Rule - Spoilt Children - The Lord’s Nurture - Greek and Roman Slaves - The Church and the Slaves - Christ a Pattern for Slaves - Servants of Society - Care, Honesty, Heartiness in Work - The heavenly Master’s Reward - Responsibility of the earthly Master

On The Approaching Conflict. Chapter 6:10-18.

  Chapter 28 - The Foes of the Church.

Henceforth be strong! - The two Panoplies - The Personality of Satan - The Devil and his Angels - Paul’s Demonology - The spiritual Combat - Interior Temptations - Persecution and Heresy - The Region of the Struggle - The Siege of the heavenly City

  Chapter 29 - The Divine Panoply.

The coming evil Day - Comparison with Revelation 2, 3 - The Girdle of Truth - The Breastplate of Righteousness - Shoes of Gospel Readiness - The great Shield of Faith - Fire-tipped Darts - The Helmet of Salvation - The Spirit’s Sword - The Weapon of All-prayer

The Conclusion. Chapter 6:19-24.

  Chapter 30 - Request: Commendation: Benediction.

Paul’s Need of the Church’s Prayers - Christ’s Ambassador before the Emperor - Speaking the Word given – Good News for the Asian Churches - Character and Services of Tychicus - Peace to the Brethren - Love with Faith - Love toward Christ and Grace from God The Love incorruptible