The Art, Paintings and Prints of John James Audubon

By John James Audubon

I - Divers and Coastal Wanderers


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American Anhinga -aka- Black-bellied Darter


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Brown Booby -aka- Booby Gannet


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Brown Pelican


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Common Loon -aka- Great Northern Diver


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Double-crested Cormorant


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Double-crested Cormorant -aka- Florida Cormorant


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Glossy Ibis


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Great Blue Heron


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Great Blue Heron -aka- Great White Heron


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Great Crested Grebe -aka- Crested Grebe


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Greater Shearwater -aka- Wandering Shearwater


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American Bittern


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Green Heron


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Horned Grebe


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Leachs Storm-Petrel -aka- Fork-tailed Petrel


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Least Bittern


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Little Blue Heron -aka- Blue Crane or Heron


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Louisana Heron


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Magnificent Frigatebird -aka- Frigate Pelican


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Man Shearwater -aka- Manks Shearwater


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Northern Fulmar -aka- Fulmar Petrel


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Pelagic Cormorant -aka- Violet-green Cormotant - left


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American Flamingo


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Reddish Egret -aka- Purple Heron


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Red-necked Grebe


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Red-throated Loon -aka- Red-throated Diver


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Scarlet Ibis


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Snowy Egret -aka- Snowy Heron


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Sooty Albatross -aka- Dusky Albatross


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White Ibis


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White-tailed Tropicbird -aka- Tropic Bird


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Wood Stork -aka- Wood Ibis


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Yellow-crowned Night Heron -aka- Yellow-crowned Heron


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American White Pelican


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Artic Loon -aka- Black-throated Diver


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Audubons Shearwater -aka- Dusky Petrel


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Black-crowned Night Heron -aka- Night Heron or Qua Bird


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Brandts Cormorant -aka- Townsends Cormorant - right


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British Storm-Petrel -aka- Least Petrel