The Bible Outline

By E. S. (Emanuel Sprankel) Young





The Tabernacle was erected one year after the exodus from Egypt. Moses was instructed by the Lord to build a house for God, so that he might dwell among the people. During the thirty —eight years of wandering in the wilderness the Tabernacle had no definite location. After the children of Israel entered Canaan it was located at the following places: (1) Gilgal. (2) Shiloh. (3) Nob. When the Temple was built the Tabernacle was taken to Jerusalem and probably put into the Temple.


(1) The Court. — This was enclosed by linen curtains and was 150 feet long and 75 feet wide. The opening of the camp was at the east end. It contained the following:

(a) The Altar of Burnt Offerings. — This was located just inside of the court, near the entrance. It was made of wood overlaid with brass, and was 772 feet square and 4% feet high. Ex. 27:1, 2. On this altar the sacrifices were burned.

(b) The Laver. — This was located between the altar and the Tabernacle. The size and shape is unknown; it was for the purpose of purifying the sacrifices and furnishing a place for the priest to wash before entering the Tabernacle. Ex. 30:18, 19. The women sacrificed their mirrors to furnish the material for the laver. Ex. 38:8.

(c) The Tabernacle. — This stood in the west end of the court. It was 45 feet long and 15 feet wide and high It was constructed of shittim wood, brass, silver, gold and fine linen. This material was furnished by the children of Israel as free—will offerings unto the Lord. Some of this material the Israelites brought with them from Egypt. The Tabernacle was divided into two parts.

(2) The Holy Place. — This was 30 feet long and 15 feet wide and high. There were three pieces of furniture in this apartment.

(a) The Table of Shewbread. — This was made of wood overlaid with gold; it was 3 feet long and 1/2 feet wide and 274 feet high. It was always standing on the right as one entered the Tabernacle. Ex. 25:23,24.

(b) The Candlestick. — This was made with seven branch It was of pure gold, beaten out of one piece of gold. It was standing on the left as one entered the Holy Place. Ex. 25:31.

(c) The Altar of Incense. — This was made of wood covered with gold. It was 3 feet high and 1/2 feet square, and was standing close to the veil which separated the Holy from the Most Holy place. Here incense was burned each morning and evening, and this indicated the hour of prayer.

(3) The Most Holy Place. — This was a room in the form of a cube of 15 feet. The high priest entered the place once each year to atone for the sins of himself and of the people. He entered this place on the Atonement Day. Heb. 9:3, 25. There was only one piece of furniture.

(a) The Ark. — It contained the tables of the law that Moses received at Mt. Sinai. It was made of wood overlaid with gold. It was 3 feet 9 inches long by 2 feet 3 inches wide and high.

(b) The Mercy Seat. — This was the lid of the ark and was made of gold. Cherubim were standing on each end of the lid. It was between the Cherubim that the high priest sprinkled blood on the Atonement Day. Ex. 25:17, 18.


The Altar was a meeting place between man and God. The Tabernacle was a movable building in which God dwelt so that he was in the midst of his people. Thus a system was secured so all knew that God was not far away, but right in their midst, in the building they erected for him. We cannot get close to him unless we come to him through the sacrifices that are to be performed.


  • When was the Tabernacle first erected?
  • What was its history during the wandering?
  • At what places was it located in Canaan?
  • Where was it finally taken?
  • What were the three apartments?
  • What was the court?
  • What were its dimensions?
  • Where was the gate?
  • What did the court contain?
  • Describe the altar of burnt offerings?
  • Where was the laver placed?
  • Of what was it made?
  • For what was it used?
  • Where did the Tabernacle stand?
  • What were its dimensions?
  • Of what material was it constructed?
  • Whence did they obtain it?
  • Into what two parts was the Tabernacle divided?
  • What were the dimensions of the Holy Place?
  • What articles of furniture were in the Holy Place?
  • Where did the table stand?
  • What were its dimensions?
  • Describe the candlestick?
  • Where did it stand?
  • Describe the altar of incense?
  • Where did it stand?
  • For what was it used?
  • What were the dimensions of the Most Holy Place?
  • Who entered this room? When?
  • For what purpose?
  • What article of furniture was placed in this room?
  • Describe the Ark?
  • What did it contain?
  • What was the Mercy Seat?
  • What was the object of the Tabernacle?




History. — S. G. S. N. J.
         Court, 150 x 75. A. B. O., L., T.
         Holy Place, 30 x 15 x 15, T. S., C., A. I.
         Most Holy Place, 15 X 15 X 15. A. M. S.
Object. — M. D. P.