Edited by Rev. John Adams, B.D.

The Sevenfold I AM

Some Aspects of the Spiritual Life

By the Rev. Thomas Marjorbanks, B.D.


Some Additional Reading

These sayings of our Lord are treated with more or less fulness in the various exegetical works on St. John’s Gospel. Among them may be mentioned the commentaries by Milligan and Moulton, Godet, and Marcus Dods; and (more popular in character) Maclaren in Bible - Class Expositions, and Campbell Morgan in The Analysed Bible.

More special treatment is given to the various titles of our Lord in Westcott’s Revelation of the Father , Spurgeon’s The Messiah, Warfield’s The Lord of Glory. Miss Annie Small, in her recent illuminative little book. Studies in the Gospel of St. John, has a chapter entitled "The Sevenfold ‘ I Am.’"

Of the individual names and titles, The Light of the World has been oftener used than any of the others as a title for works dealing with our Lord’s Person and work. In many cases, however (as in Sir Edwin Arnold’s poem, and the able collection of essays entitled Lux Mundi), the reference is rather to His whole personality than to this particular aspect of it. His claim and its justification are well stated in Row’s Manual of Christian Evidences, Part 1. ch. i. See also Phillips Brooks’s sermons, "The Light of the World," "The Candle of the Lord," "The Mystery of Light." — The Way, the Truth, and the Life receive careful if somewhat laboured treatment in Dr. Hort’s Hulsean lectures published under this tide. See also Paget’s Christ the Way. But the best commentary on the "Way" is The Pilgrim's Progress. — On The Good Shepherd there are sermons by F. W. Robertson (2nd series) and Newman (vol. viii. p. 230). The specially pastoral work of Christ is ably dealt with in Latham’s Pastor Pastorum. — The Bread of Life is treated of in many manuals on the Holy Communion. See also John Macleod Campbell, Christ the Bread of Life; James M. Campbell, The Christ in Man; and sermons by Newman (vol. vi. p. 136), and by Phillips Brooks (The Candle of the Lord, p. 232 — "Christ the Food of Man"). — On The True Vine, see Macmillan, Bible Teachings in Nature, p. 74; A. Murray, Abide in Christ; and, for a beautifully developed allegory of the Vine, Mrs. Hamilton King’s poem, The Sermon in the Hospital." — The Resurrection and the Life will be best studied in connection with our Lord’s Resurrection and its bearing on our own. On this subject Professor William Milligan’s Resurrection of our Lord, and the same author’s Resurrection of the Dead, will be found of value.