"It is Written"


Every Word and Expression Contained in the Scriptures Proved to be from God

By François Samuel Robert Louis Gaussen



The intrinsic value of this work has induced the preparation of a FOURTH English Edition, in a cheap form .

In an age when questions of every degree of interest are freely discussed, it is of the utmost importance to bring under general notice the demonstration of the Inspiration of the Scriptures in all their parts. Between profane temerity on the one hand and apathy on the other, the confidence of multitudes is liable to be shaken, and their souls deluded to believe a lie. BUT THE WORD OF GOD ABIDETH SURE. The reckless Rationalist cannot disturb a single stone of the foundation or of the superstructure of the sacred building; neither can the careless Sophist evade or set aside the solemn importance attaching to the fact that God has divinely revealed His will in the Bible. The opponent of the truth, whatever be his mode of attack, may prove how “hard it is to kick against the pricks,” and the soul who has tremblingly fled for refuge to the hope set before him in the Gospel, may be shown such proofs of the finger of the living God in all that is written, that his confidence shall be greatly strengthened, and his heart say with David, “I rejoice at thy Word as one that findeth great spoil.”

May the blessing of Him “who giveth understanding in all things” rest upon the work !