Rick Swartzentrover
© 09-14-1999 |
The lights go down and the words appear |
I close my eyes and you are there |
No one else just Lover and Beloved
I sing to you, the words are like seeds
That spring to life in your presence |
Your Spirit joins mine in a mix of grace and peace
The two of us now one, if only for a moment
A foreshadow of the heavenly bliss yet to be |
I see you in all your beauty, soaking in my praise |
Like a proud parent watching a performing child
A sight of perfect acceptance and love |
Let the world be as though it never was
Only let this moment never end
For I am in the arms of my lover |
If I was never loved, I am now |
For you chose to spend this time with me
Words move me to tears
As I struggle to convey my need for you |
For you are my all
Without whom there would be no reason to sing
No reason to close my eyes
No one to love
No love to give |
I raise my hand and bow my head in humble ecstasy
Not because I should |
Not because I’m told |
But because I must |
For that is who I am |
The way I was created
To love and worship you |
My God, my Savior, my Lover |
I praise Thee |