The Transfiguration of Christ a Picture of Jesus' Second Coming

Mark 9:1-4

Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine, 1928


This is a picture of Jesus' Second Coming. It is not a picture of the Rapture when Christ comes to receive His Church but a picture of the Revelation when Christ comes to establish His Kingdom. This is the connection which the first verse indicates and it is further indicated by clear analogy


The Transfiguration of Christ


The Revelation of Christ

  1. The Transfiguration occurred after six days from the time the promise was given. (Mark 9:2)
  1. The Second Coming will occur after six dispensations have run their course. It inaugurates the seventh.
  1. At the Transfiguration Jesus stood upon a mountain. (Mark 9:2)
  1. At the Second Coming Jesus' feet will stand upon the Mount of Olives. (Zech. 14:4)
  1. At the Transfiguration Jesus led representative believers apart from the unbelieving multitude. (Mark 9:2)
  1. At the Second Coming Jesus will judge unbelievers, and believers shall be set apart by themselves, none else being left to enter His Kingdom. (Matt. 13:38-43)
  1. At the Transfiguration Jesus' glory was revealed. (Mark 9:2-3)
  1. At the Second Coming Jesus' glory shall be revealed. (Col. 3:4; Matt. 24:30)
  1. At the Transfiguration Jesus appeared with Moses and Elijah. (Mark 9:4)
  1. The Second Coming shall be preceded by the Tribulational testimony of Moses and Elijah, and they shall be present in His Kingdom, with believers of all ages. (Rev. 11:3-12; Deut. 18:15; Mai. 4:5; Ezek. 37:12-14)