The Expositor's Bible

The Book of Leviticus

Title Page
Table of Contents
Part 1
The Tabernacle Worship.
(Lev. 1-10., 16)
Chapter 1 - Introductory
Chapter 2 - Sacrifice: The Burnt-Offering
Chapter 3 - The Burnt-Offering [Concluded]
Chapter 4 - The Meal-Offering
Chapter 5 - The Peace-Offering
Chapter 6 - The Sin-Offering
Chapter 7 - The Ritual of the Sin-Offering
Chapter 8 - The Guilt-Offering
Chapter 9 - The Priests Portions
Chapter 10 - The Consecration of Aaron and His
                       Sons, and of the Tabernacle
Chapter 11 - The Inauguration of the Tabernacle
Chapter 12 - Nadab’s and Abihu’s "Strange Fire"
Chapter 13 - The Great Day of Atonement
Part 2
The Law Of The Daily Life.
(Lev. 11-15, 17-25)
Chapter 14 - Clean and Unclean Animals and
                       Defilement by Dead Bodies
Chapter 15 - Of the Uncleanness of Issues
Chapter 16 - The Uncleanness of Child-Bearing
Chapter 17 - The Uncleanness of Leprosy
Chapter 18 - The Cleansing of the Leper
Chapter 19 - Holiness in Eating
Chapter 20 - The Law of Holiness: Chastity
Chapter 21 - The Law of Holiness [Concluded]
Chapter 22 - Penal Sanctions
Chapter 23 - The Law of Priestly Holiness
Chapter 24 - The Set Feasts of the Lord
Chapter 25 - The Holy Light and the Skew-Bread:
                        The Blasphemer's End
Chapter 26 - The Sabbatic Year and the Jubilee
Part 3
Conclusion and Appendix.
(Lev. 26, 27)
Chapter 27 - The Promises and Threats of the
Chapter 28 - Concerning Vows